
From a different Battlefield.....

It is not mandatory that countries fight over land, water and assets all the time. Time and again history holds numerous examples of people fighting over so many things which otherwise are not that important. But there are other fronts too to fight over. The Green Battles. This is how it goes:

1. Keti Bandar 2009- 300 planters from The Ministry of Environment planted 541,176 saplings in one day from sunrise to sunset, breaking the Indian record of 447,874 trees set on June 12-13, bagging Guiness Record.

 2. Gujranwala 2010 Over a period of 18 hours and 40 minutes on September 29th, Muhammed Yousuf Jamil, planted 20,101 tree saplings ALONE, set at the pace of over 18 trees a minute. He broke the record of 15,170 trees planted by Ken Chaplin from Canada, in 2001.

3. Keti Bandar 2010 300 coastal community volunteers planted 8,47,257 mangrove saplings, breaking an earlier record of 6,11,000 saplings planted by India in 2010.

4. Kharo Chan, Thatta 2013  300 volunteers from region, planted 750,000 mangrove saplings in less than 12 hours. This toppled India's 611,000 sapling record of 2010.

This is an amazing list to ponder upon. I can improvise on some other battles such as Recycle That Grabage Battle, Stop Cutting Tree Combat, Less Chemical Fertilizer Ambush, Reduce-ReUse Hostility etc. It is a commendable act as far as the Central and Provincial Governments are concerend. i find Punjab and Sindh Govt. more active than others. So why not the other provinces take it as a challenge to beat?
Last thoughts that I have are for the Govt. to not only increase the green cover areas but also to reduce deforestation, illegal theft and black-marketing of forest cover of Pakistan. 

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